I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Thanks to Raven Book Store for the book images and description.

Suggested Activities


Oh the ocean is great and the ocean is grand (arms up)
There are lots of tall ships and very little land (palms facing and held up high)
And we sleep down deep in a hammock near the floor (rock both fists like a hammock) And this is what we do when we go out the door (move arm like opening door)
Ride the waves going up, ride the waves going down (arms up and down) (x3)
And we turn around (roll forearms around)

  • Sing along with “Ten Little Fishies” by Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library (YouTube)


Ten little fishies, swim swim swim
When all at once they see a fin.
A hungry shark is swimming by
And the ten little fishies run and hide.
The hungry shark looks all around
But the ten little fishies can’t be found.
The hungry shark just swims away
And the ten little fishies come back to play.

For Parents and Caregivers

Every summer, libraries across U.S. unite around a Summer Reading theme. The 2022 theme: “Oceans of Possibilities”. This StoryWalk reflects that theme through the picture book I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, which really does prompt readers to consider many possibilities. 
Where will your next StoryWalk take you, and what possibilities will you find along the way?

When a giant squid takes inventory of all of the creatures in the ocean, he realizes that he’s way bigger than most of them! Of course, there are bigger things lurking around . . . but maybe this giant squid with a giant touch of hubris doesn’t really care?

First-time author-illustrator Kevin Sherry is sure to garner fans of all sizes for his perfect-for-preschool read-aloud with simple text, bold and delightful collage art, and a lovable squid whose spirit just cannot be crushed.

About the Author
Kevin Sherry is an artist, designer, and the cofounder of SquidFire, an online apparel company which features his unique wearable art. Kevin Sherry lives in Baltimore, Maryland, conveniently close to his deep sea friends.

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Online Resources

  • Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach, CA) streams video from webcams placed in several of their exhibits. Included are additional educational resources for children K-8. Some may be suitable for younger children with adult help
  • At Kansas Runs on Water, families can learn about Kansas water history, use and conservation, and there are some downloadable activities for children. 
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium has many free activities, from printable activity sheets to online courses. 
  • National Geographic Kids has an Ocean Portal with a wide array of quizzes, games, videos and ocean animal profiles. 
  • Water’s Worth It has some downloadable word games and coloring pages focused on water conservation.